

貴様なんでそんなもの読んでるんだよ、といわれそうなのですが、STARS and  STRIPESという米軍の新聞の4月3日付記事に「US Army to comply with new Italy rule requiring masks for shoppers(https://www.stripes.com/news/us-army-to-comply-with-new-italy-rule-requiring-masks-for-shoppers-1.624806)」というのがあって

Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization insisted for weeks that masks are unnecessary for healthy people and should be reserved for health care workers on the front line of the pandemic. But indications that some people infected with the coronavirus virus may show no symptoms and could be unwittingly spreading it through respiratory droplets have caused the CDC to reevaluate its position.

The White House, “while stopping short of declaring an official policy, joined the mayors of Los Angeles and New York, several European nations and much of Asia in recommending that people wear cloth face masks in public, even if they have no symptoms,” The New York Times reported Friday.

